Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of:
8 High Box Step-ups (glutes)
20sec Plank on Rings
8 Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunges
Strength: 3 sets
1a) Bulgarian Split Squats with a pause x 10 reps each leg Rest 30sec between legs
*Pause 2″ above parallel for 2 seconds on the way up every rep.
1b) Tempo Push-ups on Rings @2112 x 6 reps
1c) Single Leg Alternating V-ups x 20 reps or Tuck-ups x 20 reps
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 14min of:
300m Run
20 Single Dumbbell Box Step-Overs 24/20
10 Toes to Bar
Rx 35/25