


Today’s focus is on the back squats.

Percentages are getting high and next week will be a 1RM

Back Squat Every 2min x 14min

4×50%, 4×60%, 3×70%, 3×80%, 2×90%, 1×93%, 1×95%

Strength Accessory:

The tempos are key here. Be deliberate and purposeful with your reps and technique. Squats should take 42sec and the rings rows 30sec.

Every Minute on the Minute x 12min

1- Dumbbell Split Squats x 7 right leg @3111* h

2- Horizontal Ring Row x 6 reps @2012**

3- Dumbbell Split Squats x 7 left leg @3111

4- Banded Triceps Press Downs x 25 reps

*3sec decent, 1sec at bottom, 1sec up, 1sec at top

**2sec decent, 0sec at extension, 1sec up, 2sec hold with rings touching the chest

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