Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of:
6 Alternating Curtsy Squats
6 Med Ball Clean with slam ball
20sec Supinated Grip Chin Over Bar Hold (stay in hollow body position)
4 sets
1a) Front Rack Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats x 6 each leg @3111 Rest 45sec between legs
1b) Single Arm Dumbbell or Kettlebell Row x 6 each arm @3111
*Don’t run away from the tempo!! @3111 means 6 seconds per rep x 6 reps = 36 seconds per leg/arm!
These are sprints. Go hard and push the intensity. Each set should take 2min or less. You may need to share an Assault Bike so I’m not too worried about 60-120sec rest as long as you are pushing the intensity each set.
6 sets
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Ball Slams 25/15
8 Jumping Lunges or 8 Alternating Pistols
Rest 1-2min
Spend 3-5min in couch stretch (quads) and thoracic bench openers