If you are visiting from out of town and are planning on dropping in, please make sure you sign up and reserve your spot ahead of time online HERE.
**It’s expected that drop-ins have at least 3 months of continuous membership at another CrossFit Affiliate location**
Strict Shoulder Press 10-8-6-4
Workout of the Day:
12min AMRAP
1 Round of Cindy + 2 Power Clean & Jerk (135/95)
1 Round of Cindy + 4 Power Clean & Jerk
Continue by increasing the power clean and jerk by 2 reps each round.
*Cindy= 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Air Squats
10 Alternating Single Leg V-ups
10 Double Leg Tuck-ups
30sec Hollow Hold
Rest 60sec