
Hip Flexors & IT Band

EMOM x 12
1) Hollow Hold x 30-45sec
2) V-up or Tuck-up x 15-20
3) Ring Full Support Hold x 30-45sec
4) Pike Ups x 15-20 (scale to single leg)

Workout of the Day
Pick One:

Option 1-
5K Row

Option 2-
5K Run

Option 3-
10K broken into 5K Run + 5K Row in either order

Option 4-
3-4rds NOT for time
2 Rope Climb
10 Parallette Pass Thru w/ push-up & dip
16 Alt Pistols
25ft HS Walk or 20 Shoulder Taps
20 L-sit Leg Lifts on Rings
10 Strict Wide Grip Pull-up
10 DB Tricep Extension*
10 KB Bicep Curls

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