Strength: 1RM Strict Press
EMOM x 8min
Strict Press x 1 rep @ 55/65/70/75/80/85/90/95%
Then rest 2min before starting:
Every 2min x 6min (3sets)
Strict Press x 1 rep @ 101-105%
For total time
5 Hang power snatch @75% of 1RM HPS
5 STRICT Pull-up (Rx+ L-pull up)
Rest exactly 2min, then:
5 OHS (same weight as above)
6 HSPU (Rx+ Strict)
7 Pull-up (Rx+ C2B)
*Please remember- if you are using a band for pull-ups, you should NOT be kipping. Ever.
*Spend remaining time working on mobility. Get ready for tomorrow’s 1RM back squat