


3 sets

1a) Shoulder Press 6-6-6*

1b) Strict Pull-ups x 8 reps**

*Last week you had 10-8-6, so try to go a little heavier this week.

**Make these as difficult as possible. They don’t have to be unbroken sets. Add weight if you can.


If you are taking more than 1:45 per rounds, then reduce the cals/reps.

2 person team. You-go-I-go on rounds. No Rx today.

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12min of:

15/12 Row or Assault Bike

10 Toes to Bar or Hanging Knee Raises

Rest 2min

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 10min of:

12/8 Row or Assault Bike

4 Burpee Pull-ups/Chest to Bar/Bar Muscle-ups*

*Bar should be 6in above your fingers at extension

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