Slow Pull Cleans


Barbell Warmup

Olympic Lifting:

Every 2min x 16min (8 sets):
Clean Lift Off + Slow Pull Clean + Jerk  
Sets 1-4: 2 reps
Sets 5-8: 1 rep

Clean Lift Off- Pull to the kneecap and pause for 2 seconds, return barbell to ground, then perform the slow pull clean.

The first pull (ground to just above knee) will be at half speed. Once you get to low thigh/just above the knee, then explode through the second pull. Really focus on hitting triple extension through the 1st, 2nd and 3rd pulls.


10rds for total time

5 Strict Handstand Push-ups

5 Deadlifts at 70% of 1RM

25 Double-unders

Rest 30sec

Time Cap 15min


10rds for total time

5 L-seated Dumbbell Press (heavy as possible)

5 Deadlifts at 70% of 1RM

75 Single-unders

Rest 30sec

Time Cap 15min

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