Go All Day t-shirt give-away

Our friends at Go All Day will be giving away shirts to the top male and female finishers in Level 1 and Level 2 in today’s workout. Be sure to join us!

200m run, then 2rds of:
3 Wall Walk
6 Strict Pull-ups
9 Hollow Rocks

1a) Push Press 3×3 @ 90%
1b) Single arm DB/KB Row 3×8 each arm

CrossFit Games Workout 13.2
10min AMRAP
5 S2OH
10 Deadlift
15 Box Jump (24/20)

Level 1: 115/75
Level 2: 75/55
Both: 24/20 NO JUMP DOWN or REBOUND. You must step down. Step-ups ARE allowed.

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