CFWP 911 Tribute Workout


CFWP 911 Tribute Workout 2024

2 person team

1 person working at a time

Split reps evenly

The team will choose to run or row with one person working at a time. Split the 2001m anyway you want as long as it’s done evenly. One erg per team.

Time Cap 35min

The # of reps represent the number of lives lost: 

343- Firefighters

184- Flight #77

92- Flight #11

65- Flight #175

60- 23 NYPD + 37 NY Port Authority Police

40- Flight #93

2001- The Year

343 Double-unders

184 American Kettlebell Swings

92 Dumbbell Front Squats

65 Dumbbell Push Press

60 Box Jump Overs 

40 Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerks 

2001m Run or Row

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