



2 person team, switching every minute

As Many Meters as Possible in 24min of Rowing

*Every Minute on the Minute from 0:00-12:00 , complete 5 Toes to Bar

*Every Minute on the Minute from 12:00-24:00 , complete 5 Russian Kettlebell Swings 53/35

Notes: At 0:00, Partner A will start with 5 Toes to Bar then immediately start rowing. At 1:00 Partner A must stop rowing and Partner B begins with 5 Toes to Bar then row. At 12:00, switch to Russian KBS.

*Stimulus: T2B and RKBS are meant to be done UB and fast. Transitions to the rower must be very fast and efficient. Scaled option with Hanging Knee Raises and 35/26


Every Minute on the Minute x 8min

1- Rower Pike Ups x 10-12 reps

2- Kettlebell Weighted Side Bends x  8-10 reps each way

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