

Yesterday you had a longer conditioning piece. Today’s focus is on strength and stability.

Dynamic Warm-up

Strength Part 1:

The death march is not about speed. Focus on quality reps with solid balance.

Every 2min x 18min (3 sets)

Station 1 – Death March x 20 reps
Station 2 – 10 Horizontal Ring Rows + Seated Banded Row in remaining 60sec
Station 3 – Side Plank Reach Through x 45sec each

Strength Part 2:

For quality and not for time, but with a 10min time cap. Partition however you’d like.
40 Single-Arm Kettlebell Reverse Lunge to Press (Right Arm)
40 Single-Arm Kettlebell Reverse Lunge to Press (Left Arm)


The Midline Chipper

40 Hand Plank Cross Knee to Elbow
20 Hanging Knees-to-chest @ 2011
40 Elbow Jacks
30 Hand Plank Cross Knee to Elbow
15 Hanging Knees-to-chest @ 2011
30 Elbow Jacks
20 Hand Plank Cross Knee to Elbow
10 Hanging Knees-to-chest @ 2011
20 Elbow Jacks

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