

Full Body Strength:

You had a long one on Friday. Today’s focus is on building strength and stability.

Note the movements with tempos- if done properly, those should take 60sec each. They all have a 2sec negative or descent. If a partner that will use the same weights and start on different stations, then stay in the order prescribed.

Every 90sec x 30min (4 sets) of:
Station 1 – Kettlebell Goblet Squats x 15 reps @22X0
Station 2 – Dumbbell Bench Presses x 20 reps @20X1
Station 3 – Weighted* Lunges x 16-20 reps
Station 4 – Seated Banded Rows x 20-25 reps @2011
Station 5 – Flutter Kicks x 60sec


If you have the time, finish with a nasal breathing cool down of row/bike/ski for 5-10+min.

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