
Warm-up: 200m Run then 3rds of:

5 ½ Kneeling Single Arm Dumbbell Press(each) @2111

8 Dumbbell Plank Drag

5 Ring Row or Strict Pull-up


Push Press 3×6 @75-80%


Every Minute on the Minute x 15min

1- 6 Dumbbell Shoulder to Overhead + 6 Dumbbell Front Squat

2- Single Arm Alternating Devil’s Press x 6-8 reps

3- Pull-ups or Chest to Bar x 8-12 reps or Ring or Bar Muscle-ups x 3-6 reps

Finish: 3 sets

40sec Hang Sequence from Rig (10sec each: pronated, mixed, mixed, supinated grip)

30sec Hollow Hold

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