


3 sets

Deadlift x 10 reps

Rest 2min between sets
Start your first set around 50% and build or begin at the heaviest weight from last week. Deadstop and release tension between every rep. Then, get tight, take a breath, and lift the bar while keeping proper technique.


Against a 2-minute clock, for Max reps Power Cleans:
15 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
75 Double-unders
Max Power Cleans in the remaining time 135/95
Rest 2 minutes between sets and complete 4 sets OR stop if you’ve hit 60 power cleans

*You should have at least 30sec to knock out power cleans. If you have less time, reduce the previous reps.


Against a 2-minute clock, for Max reps Power Cleans:
15 Pull-Ups
50 Double-unders
Max Power Cleans in the remaining time 115/75
Rest 2 minutes between sets and complete 4 sets OR stop if you’ve hit 60 power cleans

*You should have at least 30sec to knock out power cleans. If you have less time, reduce the previous reps.

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