

Cossack Squats and Pistols

Workout of the Day- choose one below

Option 1-
20min Stroke Rate Row

Option 2-
Skills 3-4rds Not for time
5 Strict Toes to Rings
2 Rope Climb
3 Turkish Get-up (each arm)
10 Donkey Kick
10 Strict Ring Pull-up
16 Seated Compression Pike
10 Dumbbell Reverse Fly
10 Kettlebell Bicep Curl
20 Banded Tricep Press Downs

Option 3-
1 Mile Run
Then 2rds of:
30sec Elbow Plank
30sec Elbow Side Plank R
30sec Elbow Side Plank L
Kettlebell Suitcase and Waiter Carry 2x gym length then switch sides
30 Walking Lunges

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