EMOM x 12
1) 30-40 DU
2) 30-45sec L-sit
3) 30-45sec OH Bamboo Hold
Workout of the Day
Option 1-
1000m Row
1000m Run
20 Russian KBS (light)
20 V-up or Leg Raises
750m Row
750m Run
20 Russian KBS (light)
20 V-up or Leg Raises
500m Row
500m Run
20 Russian KBS (light)
20 V-up or Leg Raises
Option 2-
3-4rds not for time
2 Rope Climb
10 Pistols
20ft HS Walk or 30-45sec HS Hold
10 Ring Pull-up
20 Roll to Candlestick
10 Strict Dip
10 BB Bicep Curl
10 DB L-seated Press