
Similar notes from Monday. Today’s focus is on the power clean. If you are experienced and have been following this cycle, then it’s time to find a new max. If you are a newer member, then your focus is on form and technique, NOT load. Work with your coach on an appropriate set and rep scheme and do not focus on hitting a heavy single.

Barbell Warm-up

Olympic Lifting:

Build to a 1RM Power Clean Every 2min x 16min

3×65% 2×70% 2×75% 1-2×80% 1×85% 1×90% 1×95% 1×100+%


The stimulus is short, fast unbroken sets on the barbell and bar. If you are having to break up the sets, then adjust the difficulty and lower the weight. The second set has even less reps, but a longer run. I want you to leave it all out there and push really hard on that last 600m.

200m Sprint

12 Deadlifts 135/95

12 Pull-ups

9 Hang Power Cleans

9 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

6 Hang Power Snatches

6 Bar Muscle-ups

Rest 3min

3 Bar Muscle-ups

3 Hang Power Snatches

6 Chest to Bar

6 Hang Power Cleans

9 Pull-ups

9 Deadlifts

600m Run

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