
200m Run then 3rds of:
30sec Handstand Hold
5 Strict Press
5 Overhead Squat

Push Press
6×70% 6×75% 4×80% 4×85%

Workout of the Day
4 sets for Max reps of Overhead Squats.
As many rounds and reps as possible in 3min, Rest 2min.
300m Run + 18 Burpees + Max reps Overheads Squats 75/55
300m Run + 16 Burpees + Max reps Overheads Squats 95/65
300m Run + 14 Burpees + Max reps Overheads Squats 115/75
300m Run + 12 Burpees + Max reps Overheads Squats 125/85

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