
Barbell Warm-up

Olympic Lifting:

Every 2min x 12min (6 sets)

Sets 1-3 Clean Lift Off* + Clean

Sets 4-6 Clean x 2

*Pull to the kneecap and pause for 2 seconds, return barbell to ground, then perform a clean

**On all sets, you can reset at the ground between reps


Long grinder today, but very different than Monday. It’s low reps so you should be unbroken on the sets. Find a good pace and weight that allows you to keep moving without long breaks in your transitions.

As many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 17min of:

7 Box Jump

7 Power Clean 95/65

7 Toes to Bar

7 Front Squat

7 Lateral Burpee Over the Barbell

7 Push Jerk

7 Chest to Bar

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