
Thanks for sharing your journey with us Michelle!
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Written by Stephanie Nickitas In this article I’d like to address the idea of how both Intensity AND Zone 2 Training should be a part of everyone’s fitness regime. First, let’s start with intensity. For the most part, intensity is a positive thing and something that we teach at CrossFit Winter Park. Intensity comes at the end of a sliding scale that starts with mechanics, then moves to consistency then ultimately intensity. Proper mechanics are the first priority. Once mechanics are sound, then they must be repeatable and therefore, consistent. Once you can consistently move with proper mechanics, then you can start to increase intensity. This article from states: The level of intensity at which a person works needs to be appropriate relative to their physical and psychological tolerances. That is, the intensity at which someone should work is always and only relative to that individual. As long as someone is...
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Written by: Stephanie Nickitas What is the Rx anyways and why is it there? Rx is another way to say, “As Prescribed”. The Rx is a way for the programmer to provide a context for the stimulus of a workout. (more on this later) Just because there is a suggested Rx for a workout, it doesn’t mean that everyone should be attempting it. But, many people are competitive in nature which drives them to make certain decisions that may not be in their best interest. They may also see other people doing it and say to themselves, “I should be able to do that as well.” This way of thinking can hinder a person’s development and in the worst case, it can lead to injury. Some gyms have completely done away with having an Rx for workouts in order to avoid some of the scenarios above. While I find that...
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Written by: Bowie Matteson So far we’ve covered the importance of prioritizing fitness at a young age, as well as some of the significant character-building side effects that come along with it. Now I’d like to touch on the social component of training: the interactions, communications and social benefits of training, both individually and in groups. Kids are inherently egocentric. The majority of their lives they were (and maybe still are) the center of everyone’s focus and attention. In the later years of childhood and into adolescence, there is social pressure to develop their identity while still learning what empathy, kindness, sharing and social cues are. That’s a lot to process for someone who just recently discovered they aren’t the center of the universe. Aside from their parents, this is largely influenced by who they hang around with, the activities they participate in, and the presence of outside role models...
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WHAT IS IT? The #800gChallenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition. Eat 800 grams (g) of fruits and/or vegetables, by weight, per day. No foods are eliminated, but only fruits and veggies count toward the 800g. Eat the fruits and veggies or your choice. Hit the macros you want. Raw, cooked, canned, frozen; doesn’t matter!  If you can weigh it as a standalone and unprocessed fruit or vegetable, you can count it. Yep, that’s it! Here’s a one-sheet with all the rules. So why 800g? It’s associated with increased health and is a simplified way to hit those recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Read more here. DATES & DETAILS: August 12th -September 8th Unlimited Boot Camp ClassesTwo InBody Body Composition tests (for the before and after results)Access to our private Facebook page with educational materialsWodify App for accountability$99 for the first 20 Sign-Ups and then moves up to $200Current CrossFit Winter Park Members- only $25!Click...
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