
Today I have a spicy recipe for you that’s delicious as a topper for grilled chicken, fish, burgers … and it’s also great stirred into veggies, beans, and pasta! It’s proof that you can enjoy gourmet-style meals while eating a “clean” and healthy diet. The bonus of eating healthy whole foods is that you feel great AFTER your meals, too – instead of weighed down and blah. This recipe literally comes together in just a couple of minutes. The pepitas (pumpkin seeds) add a surprising richness to this pesto. I prefer full-fat Greek yogurt in this, but you can use low-fat if that’s what you have on-hand. You can easily adjust the heat level, too. A splash or two of sriracha will kick it up a notch, as well as including the jalapeno seeds. Spicy Pumpkin Seed Pesto (Serving Size: 1 tablespoon) 1/3 cup (40g) hilled pumpkin seeds (pepitas)1-2 garlic...
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Controversy alert today! If this year has taught us anything, it has been how important it is to be PROACTIVE and take charge of your personal HEALTH and HAPPINESS as much as possible. We have heard a lot about preventing the spread of illnesses this year… but one thing that we haven’t heard much about is strengthening your body’s natural defenses against illness. I’ve got some science-backed info that you can take action on, starting today! You already know that a healthy, balanced diet of whole foods (vs. processed) that are low in sugar is good for you. And that keeping your routine steady – with enough sleep (7-8 hours a night) and not too much stress – is also good for your immune system. Moving your body also plays a major role – and researchers are still figuring out all the reasons how and why it matters so much!...
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Free Exercise Guide Included in Blog Post We’ve got a BIG question for you today. Before we ask, we want to fire up your imagination. One year from now, if you had an AMAZING year and were all-in on your goals, how do YOU want to feel when it comes to your health and fitness? I’m talking about your health, energy, strength, confidence … your quality of life. Hold that feeling in your head and really connect with it. Can you picture how you look and feel? Well, that’s not the question. 🙂 Now … imagine you starting work toward that goal exactly ONE YEAR AGO. And also that you followed through on your commitment to yourself to make it happen. Here’s the big question: How would you feel right now? What would be different? The answers are probably empowering and sobering. I mean, IF ONLY, right? That’s your fuel...
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9 strategies to crush your cravings This month at CrossFit Winter Park we’re taking a deep dive into CRAVINGS and there’s a definite time of day they seem to strike the most … At night! In our latest ebook, Crush Your Cravings, we talk about a lot of physical, emotional, and lifestyle causes of cravings. If you want a free copy, you can download it here: Crush Your Cravings FREE Ebook There are some actual biological causes of cravings – and that includes at nighttime! They can happen even if you’re doing everything “right.” By that I mean, you’re not skipping meals, you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fiber and protein, you fuel your workouts, you’re sleeping well, you drink enough water during the day, and you’re not stressed. That’s because your body’s internal clock is wired to make you feel hungry at night. This might have been...
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Lazy Macros Challenge Starts September 14th, 2020 What is it? This challenge was designed by OptimizeMe Nutrition and focuses on ensuring a baseline level of fruits, veggies, and protein every day – – without weighing and measuring everything and without restricting anything! Hence, it’s “lazy” but still offers significant results. It combines the #800gChallenge (eating 800 grams, by weight, of fruits and veggies each day) with a protein target. By setting a target on these underrepresented items in most diets, the overall quantity is reduced as well as a more even macronutrient balance is achieved. In addition, points are awarded for working out AND achieving enough sleep – an important and overlooked aspect to one’s goals. Therefore, the Lazy Macros Challenge tackles the 4 major areas (diet quality, diet quantity, exercise, and sleep) that affect the goals most everyone wants: better body composition, performance, and overall health. Dates Starts Sept....
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