CrossFit Winter Park – CrossFit
200m Run then 3rds of:
10 Glute Bridge w/ Kickout
10 OH KB Lunge Step (5R/5L)
Back Squat (4×80, 3×85, 2×90, 2×95%)
Here is the workout in it’s entirety. I will separate each section for scoring down below.
For the mile- it’s to the CROSSWALK that goes into the Post Office. Do not stop short at the parking lot. I want to to have at least 1min rest before the squats so for those of you that think you will not return by 9:00 on the clock, change the distance.
For the squats- NO dropping from behind the back. Press/jerk and drop in front of you and control your bars. For Rx-ers, please make sure you are breaking parallel.
For the MU- Rx can be a combination of ring and bar muscle-ups or one or the other. The mod will be 1min of strict chin-ups + 1min strict dips. You can do banded bar muscle-ups if you are actually getting reps throughout the 2min. If you are failing, you should be doing the mod.
With a running clock,
Run 1600m
3min AMRAP
Back Squat 135/95
2min AMRAP
1-Mile Run (Time)
Max Effort 1-Mile Run
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3min AMRAP
Back Squats
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
2min AMRAP