
200m run then 3rds of:
10 Hollow Rock
30sec Nose to Wall HS Hold

Push Press
5@70%, 3@75%, 2@80%, 1-2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@101+%

CF Lake Mary Summer Classic WOD2

5 min EMOM
7 burpees
AMRAP Pullups
Score will be total pullups.
Every minute on the minute complete:
7 lateral bar burpees
The remainder of the time in each minute will be an AMRAP of pullups for RX, jumping pullups for Scaled. Burpees do not have to be full extension, but must jump over bar for rep to count. Burpees must be completed before pullups can be attempted for each round. All pullups will be chin over bar.

2 sets of 500m row
2:1 rest

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