


Every 2min x 6min

Shoulder Press 3×10 @60-70%

You can increase across the 3 sets as long as you make the 10 reps.


Stimulus and Strategy:

Today’s workout takes three movements and gives you an increasing amount of time to accumulate reps. If you are proficient in each movement, keep moving for as much of the interval as possible. Limit yourself to small breaks and push your thresholds in each movement. Less-experienced athletes should not push to failure or exhaustion because you will end up spending more time recovering. Instead, perform a few reps, take small breaks, and then continue to chip away. Expect the longer intervals to require more strategy in comparison to the single minute of work. Going all out for 2 or 3 minutes may not set you up for success in the following movement.

1min of Double-unders

1min of Toes to Bar

1min of Line Facing Burpees

2min of Double-unders

2min of Toes to Bar

2min of Line Facing Burpees

3min of Double-unders

3min of Toes to Bar

3min of Line Facing Burpees

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