
Barbell Warm-up

Olympic Lifting:

Every 2min x 12min

Sets 1-3: Mid-Thigh Clean + Clean from 2” Below the Knee

Sets 4-6: Clean Lift Off x 2 + Clean

*Pull to the kneecap and pause for 2 seconds, return barbell to ground, repeat again, return barbell to ground, then perform a full clean


No Rx today. These should be fast intervals.

The pulling option gives you a chance to work on a skill that meets you at your level. You can choose anything from ring-rows to ring muscle-ups. But do not go so advanced that you are not moving. Example: If you have 1-3 bar muscle-ups in your but then you hit a wall, immediately go to chest to bar to knock out the rest of the reps. Don’t waste time.

4 sets

40 Double-unders

10 Dumbbell Power Cleans

8 Dumbbell Front Squats

6 Pulling variation*

Rest 2min

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