
Today’s focus is on maintaining a lower intensity while keeping the heart rate in the 60-70% range, aka Zone 2.

So, if your max heart rate is 200bpm, then you should keep your heart rate between 120-140bpm. If you don’t have any fancy heart rate devices, no problem at all. One way to gauge Zone 2 is by your ability to talk during the workout. Exercising at a level where you can carry on a conversation, yet it feels a bit strained is a good surrogate for knowing you’re in Zone 2 

-You will be just at that threshold of not being able to carry on a conversation

-The person you’re talking to will know you are exercising

There’s no Rx today. Don’t focus on the leaderboard, it’s not a race.

If box jumps spike your heart rate, then adjust to step-ups. Same idea for double-unders  vs single-unders

Long Zone 2 Conditioning:

1500m Row

50 Box Jumps or Step-ups

1000m Run

50 Sumo Deadlift with Kettlebell

150 Double-unders or Single-unders

50 Lying Leg Lifts

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