15min to build to today’s 2RM Tempo Back Squat @ 32X1
*Same tempo as last week, but your goal should be to go 4-5% heavier this week.
The time to fix technique errors is at the beginning of a cycle when weights are lighter. So, the tempo is your primary focus NOT load. Assuming no injury/limitation, if you can air squat below parallel, then you can do it with a barbell on your back. But stop adding weight if you don’t hit the full range of motion.
Optimus Prime (CompTrain) Last Done 11/21/22
As Many Reps as Possible of Wall Balls in 7 Minutes.
(20/14 to 10ft)
On the Minute- 5 Deadlifts
Rx+ 225/155 Rx 185/135
Start with Wall Balls. Score is number of Wall Balls