200m run, then 3rds of:
6 Narrow grip BB OHS, 6 push-up to spiderman
Strict Press Deload 5x 65%, 70%, 75%
Three Wise Men Tribute
4min AMRAP
5 Hang squat snatch (Elite 185/125, RX 135/95, Scaled 95/65)
10 Burpee over the bar
Rest 2min
4min AMRAP
10 Power clean (Elite 185/125, RX 135/95, Scaled 95/65)
20 Pull-up
Rest 2min
4min AMRAP
15 Box jump overs (Elite & RX 24”/20”; Scaled 24”/20” Step-Overs Allowed)
30 Wall ball (Elite & Rx 20/14, Scaled 14/10)
If you wish to donate, please visit: http://www.threewisementribute.org/