
Benefits of Nasal Breathing

You will only be breathing through your nose for this entire warm-up. Why do we practice nasal breathing? In a nutshell, it improves our fitness. Normally, when we feel as though we need more oxygen, it’s really our body’s inability to deal with the buildup of carbon dioxide. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, we actually have plenty of oxygen. Nasal breathing increases our tolerance for higher levels of CO2. When we develop a higher tolerance for CO2, more oxygen will be delivered to our working muscles, which translates into being able to do more work!

Nasal Breathing Warm-up:

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 8min of:

60sec of Bike/Row/Ski/Run

16 Walking Lunges

8 Single Arm Dumbbell Cluster

4 Push-up to High Knee Crunch

Conditioning + Strength:

Every 90sec x 30min (4 sets)

1- 1-1-2 Dumbbell Bench Press x 10 reps

2- 15 Goblet Squats or Sandbag Squats @22X0

3- Seated Band-Resisted Rows x 20-25 reps @2011

4- Weighted Box Step-Ups* x 16-20 reps

5- Side Plank Reach Thrus x 30sec each side

*No barbells, use kettlebells, dumbbells, or sandbags

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