



3 sets

Alternating Cossack Squats x 12 reps

Ring Support Hold x 10sec + 4sec Negative x 4 total reps

Superman Punches x 15 reps

False Grip Ring Rows x 5 reps + Isometric Hold at Chest x 20sec


Reminder: If you have come in 3 days in a row OR are feeling sore/tired/fatigued, Thursday’s can and should be used for active recovery. Intensity should be low to moderate in order for your body and mind to feel more refreshed for the rest of the week and weekend.

5rds for max reps each round

1min Ball Slams

1min Ball Slam Sit-ups

1min Box Step-up Holding Slam Ball

1min Bike/Row/Ski

1min Rest

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