Welcome to CrossFit’s newest online competition – Lift Move Work – a unique opportunity to see where you stack up within your affiliate and around the globe. The CrossFit Lift Move Work competition consists of one lift, one gymnastics skill component, and one test of general physical preparedness, all in just 20 minutes.

Women’s Track 1 | Men’s Track 1
1-rep-max clean
Max bar muscle-ups
8-min. AMRAP of 30 double-unders, 8 DB push presses, 8 burpees

Women’s Track 2 | Men’s Track 2
1-rep-max clean
Max pull-ups
8-min. AMRAP of 20 double-unders, 6 DB push presses, 6 burpees

Women’s Track 3 | Men’s Track 3
1-rep-max clean
Max ring rows
8-min. AMRAP of 20 single-unders, 5 DB push presses, 5 burpees

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