

EMOM x 12
1) Rope Climb x 1-2
2) OH Bamboo Hold x 30-45sec
3) Tuck-ups x 30sec

Workout of the Day

Option 1-
Row 250 + Partner in elbow plank
Row 250 + Partner in hand plank
Row 250 + Partner in L side plank
Row 250 + Partner in R side plank
Row 250 + Partner in bottom of active squat hold
Row 250 + Partner in dead hang hold

Option 2-
3 person team
500cal Bike

Option 3- Skills
3-4rds NOT for time
12 Wall Climbs
3 TGU each
25ft Seal Walk
5 Roll to Candlestick
10 Strict Ring Pull-up
10 DB Bench Press
20 Banded Tricep Press Downs
10 BB Bicep Curls

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